APATITE, M-75A. Canada. Green to brown crystal prism sections.
Pieces of prisms showing some faces and some complete crystals. Good for hard-
ness testing. 1-1.5 inch. class pack of 20
ARAGONITE, M-80. California. Nearly
white to yellow, acicular to columnar masses.
Some larger sizes available.
ARSENOPYRITE, M-85.Utah. Gray metallic. Only small pieces presently available. A few larger.
ASTROPHYLLITE, M-90. Colorado.
Thin, brass colored blades in rock . . . 2"x3"
largest. Check for availability - very limited
AUGITE M-95. Canada. Greenish
black pyroxene. Will or can be broken to show
the cleavage. Some residual iron staining.
AZURITE, M-100. Larger sizes price based on quality.
Azurite coating and impregnating limonite. May be
associated with other minerals. Best quality available.
AZURlTE, M-100A. Other locations - check for availability
BARITE, M-105. Missouri. White, platy
masses with some iron oxide staining. Check.
BARITE, M-105A. Nevada.
White to gray or brown, medium to fine
Grain Sugary- masses.
BARITE, M-105B. Nevada.
Dark gray to black, medium to fine grain.
California. Flesh to reddish masses from
1 to over 3 mm in carbonatite rock. Check for availability.
BAUXITE, M-115. Arkansas. Gray,
red, brown or buff, typical for locality.
BERYL, M-120. South Dakota.
White to yellowish masses. Some brown
iron stain on fracture lines.
BIOTITE MICA, M-125.Canada.
Black, vitreous cleavage mica books.
Check for alternate location.
BORAX (TINCAL), M-130. California. Glassy,
colorless medium to coarse grain crystalline. Superficially
altering to white tincalconite. Check
BORNITE, M-135. Flambeau mine, Wisconsin.
Rich, nearly pure iridescent masses with
minor occasional pyrite.
BORNITE, M-135B. Wisconsin.
Botryoidal to sub-crystalline masses.
This bornite represents classic chemical weathering.
An environment of supergene enrichment with a
fluctuating water table enabled this type of bornite to be form.
Limited supply, the mine is closed and has been reclaimed. Individually priced.
Washington. Nearly pure, gray metallic