DOLOMITE, M-255 - California
medium to fine grain, sparkling white to buff.
DUMORTIERITE, M-260. California.
Dark blue to blue-gray compact, fine grained
masses. Check for sizes available.
ENSTATITE, M-265. Montana. Gray
cleavages or cleavage aggregates.
EUDIALYTE, M-275. Canada. Bright
pinkish red coarse crystalline masses associated
with syenite rock. Fluorescent.
Spectacular. Individual samples only. Check for sizes and prices. Some 4" pieces available.
FELDSPAR, see Albite, Andesine, Anorthite,
Labradorite, Oligoclase, Microcline,
Orthoclase, Anorthoclase.
FLINT, see under QUARTZ
FLUORITE, M- 280.Mexico.
Bright blue-green-purple and clear to purple cleavages, crystal
groups and inter grown clusters of cubes. Smaller the pieces less
complete crystals evident with more cleavages the norm.
See other fluorite in Specials.
FLUORITE, M-280E. England.
Bi-color green and purple, fluorescent 1 inch crystals and crystals clusters.
Great to display natural crystals within the Isometric crystal system.
Green under inside normal light, parts turn purple in natural fluorescent light (the natural
ultra-violet light of the sun) or under a fluorescent light.
GALENA, M-285. Missouri. Bright pure to slightly contaminated with
accessory sulfides or carbonates.
Classic cubic cleavage pieces. Best to Good grade.
GLAUBERITE, M-295. Arizona. Complete
individual crystals. 3/4 to 1
inch,; 1 to 1-1/2 inch,
2 to 2-1/2 inch, Check for availability.
GOETHITE, M-300. New Mexico.
Brown to nearly black sub-metallic masses.
Check for availability. See LIMONITE
Pure, somewhat foliated or platy masses.
Light green to gray, some pink. Individual garnets,
complete to chipped and occasional incomplete faces.
Nice dodecahedrons to teach crystal form for the price.
Check for availability.
GYPSUM, var. SELENITE, M-325. Excellent transparent to
translucent colorless, clear cleavages.