SCORODITE, M-565. Utah. Pale
grayish-green, fine grain masses. About 1 mm
crystals scattered on some pieces.
SEPIOLITE, Meerschaum, M-570.
New Mexico. Light weight, leathery - looking
white impalpable masses.
SERPENTINE, M-575. California . State Rock.
Greenish-black, very fine grain, most pieces have lighter apple green slickensides present. Check.
SIDERITE, M-580. Idaho. Very coarse
crystalline light to dark brown masses showing
cleavage faces.
SILLIMANITE, M-585. South Dakota.
Mostly acicular masses, some bladed or platy
Yellowish to brownish to blue. Check.
Mexico. Light blue-gray botryoidal masses.
SPHALERITE, M-595.. Missouri or Tennessee.
Cleaved masses, some with crystal faces.
Excellent material now available. Check for pricing.
SPHALERITE, M-595A. Wisconsin. Massive, medium grain. Reddish brown to silver gray. Fine example of supergene enrichment style zinc ore.
SPODUMENE, M-600. South Dakota.
White to light gray cleavages. Click Here to see location
SPURRITE, M-605. New Mexico.
Lavender to bluish-gray crystalline. Check for availability.
STIBNITE, M-610. Nevada.
Pure metallic gray-black crystals of stibnite. Crystals up to three inches, no associated rock. Sold by crystal.
Up to 3". Check on prices and availability.
STIBNITE, M-610A. Nevada. Compact,
bladed, gray metallic masses with very little, if
any, rock. Check for availability.
STIBNITE, M- 610B. Nevada. Metallic
gray blades and masses in rock. Check.
STILBITE, M-615. India.
Generous amounts of 1-3 mm crystals in
and on basalt.
SULFUR, M-620. Various locations.
Light to bright to matte yellow, pure sulfur masses.
Industry grade, no impurities.
TALC (SOAPSTONE), M-625. Various locations.
Soapy feeling in light olive brown,
pale green or white color. Steatite also in gray.
TALC, M-630. China.
White, green or pink. Excellent quality. Good for
hardness test.
Arizona. Transparent to translucent gray cleavages
with some inclusions. SL
We have quite a few hand size specimens of thenardite crystals.
TOURMALINE, M-645. Prism sections of black tourmaline, generally regarded as schorl, much showing deep striations. Check for pricing.
TOURMALINE, M-645A. China..
Ask for price. Excellent shiny black prisms and prism sections with very good luster.